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Wyvern Open Data

Wyvern's Open Data Program provides free medium resolution (5.30 m) hyperspectral satellite imagery captured from the Dragonette hyperspectral satellite constellation. The dataset features 23 spectral bands ranging from 503nm to 799nm, with a revisit rate of 2 times a day. The initial release contains 25 images covering various land cover features including forests, wildfire events, pivot and row crop fields, coastal bathymetry, open pit mines, solar farms and well sites from across the globe. Find additional information about the program here

Technical Specifications

Parameter Value
Spatial Resolution 5.30 m
Spectral Bands 23 bands (503-799 nm)
Processing Level Level 1B
Bit Depth 12-bit (delivered as 32-bit)
Revisit Rate Every 2 days
Swath Width 20 km
Geographic Coverage Global

Spectral Band Information

Band information is preserved in the ingested image and bands are named as Band_wavelength for example Band_669nm

Expand to show Band information for Wyvern Datasets

Band Number Band Center (nm) Wavelength Range (nm) Spectral Region
1 500 480-520 Green
2 510 490-530 Green
3 520 499-541 Green
4 540 514-566 Green
5 550 528-572 Green
6 570 547-593 Green
7 585 562-608 Yellow
8 608.5 576-641 Yellow
9 615 590-640 Yellow
10 635 610-660 Red
11 650 624-676 Red
12 660 634-686 Red
13 670 643-697 Red
14 680 653-707 Red
15 690 662-718 Red
16 700 672-728 Red
17 712 684-740 Red Edge
18 722 693-751 Red Edge
19 735 706-764 Red Edge
20 750 720-780 Red Edge
21 765 734-796 Red Edge
22 782 751-813 Red Edge
23 800 768-832 Near-Infrared


Use the following copyright notice on or adjacent to the source image data products and any adaptations or modifications including 'Value-Added Product (VAP)' and 'Derived Product (DP)' derivatives as define in the Wyvern General Terms and Conditions:

"©[YEAR] Wyvern Incorporated. All Rights Reserved."

where [YEAR] must reflect the year any given imagery data product was collected by a Wyvern satellite as reflected in the dataset’s acquisition 'datetime' metadata field.


Code Snippet

// Load the Wyvern collection
var wyvernCollection = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/disaster/wyvern-open-data')
var image = wyvernCollection.first()

// Visualization parameters
var visParams = {
  // Natural Color-like composite
  naturalColor: {
    bands: ['Band_635nm', 'Band_549nm', 'Band_503nm'],
    min: 35,
    max: 188,
    gamma: 1.2
  // False Color Vegetation composite (NIR, Red, Green)
  falseColor: {
    bands: ['Band_799nm', 'Band_669nm', 'Band_549nm'],
    min: 34,
    max: 145,
    gamma: 1.2

// Add the layers to the map
Map.addLayer(image, visParams.naturalColor, 'Natural Color');
Map.addLayer(image, visParams.falseColor, 'False Color Vegetation');

// Center map on the image
Map.centerObject(image, 10);

Sample code:

App Link:


This dataset is made available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Provided by: Wyvern

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: Hyperspectral, Open data

Last updated: 2025-02-05

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