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Soil nematode abundance & functional group composition

As the most abundant animals on earth, nematodes are a dominant component of the soil community. They play critical roles in regulating biogeochemical cycles and vegetation dynamics within and across landscapes and are an indicator of soil biological activity. Here, we present a comprehensive global dataset of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospatial mapping purposes these samples are aggregated into 1,933 unique 1-km pixels, each of which is linked to 73 global environmental covariate data layers. This study uses direct measurements of soil nematode abundance from 6,825 georeferenced locations around the world, covering all continents and all terrestrial biomes. You can read the paper here

Data Citation

Hoogen, Johan van den; Geisen, Stefan; Wall, Diana H.; Wardle, David A.; Traunspurger, Walter; Goede, Ron G. M. de;
et al. (2020): A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. figshare. Collection.

Paper Citation

van den Hoogen, J., Geisen, S., Wall, D.H. et al. A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group
composition. Sci Data 7, 103 (2020).


Earth Engine Snippet

var nematode= ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/global-nematode")

Sample Code:

Property Name GEE_Property Description Units Source
Sample_ID Sample_ID Unique sample ID
Bacterivores Bacterivores Number of bacterivorous nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Fungivores Fungivores Number of fungivorous nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Herbivores Herbivores Number of herbivorous nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Omnivores Omnivores Number of omnivorous nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Predators Predators Number of predatory nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Unidentified Unidentified Number of unidentified nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Total_Number Total_Number Total number of nematodes individuals per 100g dry soil
Latitude Pixel_Lat Sample latitude Decimal degree in WGS84
Longitude Pixel_Long Sample longitude Decimal degree in WGS84
WWF_Biome WWF_Biome WWF Biome
sampling method sampling method: Nematode extraction method
sampling_ref sampling_ref Nematode extraction method, summarised
sampling depth sampling depth Sampling Depth cm
DOI/URL DOI/URL Reference to original publication, where applicable
Data_provider Data_provider Name of co-author(s) who supplied data


Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License

Created by: Hoogen et al

Curated by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: : nematode,soil ecology,biogeographic studies,soil biotic community

Last updated: 2021-08-16

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