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Benchmark maps of 33 years of secondary forest age for Brazil v3 (1986-2019)

The restoration and reforestation of 12 million hectares of forests by 2030 are amongst the leading mitigation strategies for reducing carbon emissions within the Brazilian Nationally Determined Contribution targets assumed under the Paris Agreement. Understanding the dynamics of forest cover, which steeply decreased between 1985 and 2018 throughout Brazil, is essential for estimating the global carbon balance and quantifying the provision of ecosystem services. To know the long-term increment, extent, and age of secondary forests is crucial; however, these variables are yet poorly quantified. Here we developed a 30-m spatial resolution dataset of the annual increment, extent, and age of secondary forests for Brazil over the 1986–2018 period. Land-use and land-cover maps from MapBiomas Project were used as input data for our algorithm, implemented in the Google Earth Engine platform. This dataset provides critical spatially explicit information for supporting carbon emissions reduction, biodiversity, and restoration policies, enabling environmental science applications, territorial planning, and subsidizing environmental law enforcement. Read the dataset paper and details here


Silva Junior, C.H.L., Heinrich, V.H.A., Freire, A.T.G., Broggio, I.S., Rosan, T.M., Doblas, J.,
Anderson, L.O., Rousseau, G.X., Shimabukuro, Y.E., Silva, C.A., House, J.I., Aragão, L.E.O.C.
Benchmark maps of 33 years of secondary forest age for Brazil. Scientific Data (2020).

You can access the dataset here:

The updated v3 of the dataset is available directly as GEE collections

Dataset Citation

Celso H. L. Silva Junior, Viola H. A. Heinrich, Ana T. G. Freire, Igor S. Broggio, Thais M. Rosan, Juan Doblas,
Luiz E. O. C. Aragão. (2020). Benchmark maps of 33 years of secondary forest age for Brazil (Version v2.0.0)
[Data set]. Scientific Data. Zenodo.


Earth Engine Snippet

var forest_age = ee.Image('users/celsohlsj/public/secondary_forest_age_collection5_v3');
var forest_extent = ee.Image('users/celsohlsj/public/secondary_forest_extent_collection5_v3');
var forest_increment = ee.Image('users/celsohlsj/public/secondary_forest_increment_collection5_v3');
var forest_loss = ee.Image('users/celsohlsj/public/secondary_forest_loss_collection5_v3');

Sample Code:

Technical Validation

This dataset was based on the Collection 4.1 of MapBiomas Project (Annual Land-Use and Land-Cover Maps of Brazil)1; thus, the accuracy of the secondary forest increment, extension and age maps presented here is anchored to the accuracy of the MapBiomas land-use and land-cover dataset. The MapBiomas analyses of accuracy were performed using the Pontius Jr and Millones (2011) method23. For the entire Brazil24, the MapBiomas dataset has an average of 86.40 ± 0.46% of overall accuracy, 11.06 ± 0.67% of allocation disagreement, and 2.5 ± 0.29% of area disagreement between 1985 and 2018, considering the land-use and land-cover classes from the legend level with the greatest detail (level 3).The accuracy assessment for the Brazilian biomes can be found in the MapBiomas accuracy statistics web page (

License & Usage

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

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Created and Curated by: Celso H. L. Silva Junior

Keywords: Deforestation, MapBiomas, Climate Change, Forest Restoration, Carbon Sequestration

Last updated: 2021-03-05

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