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Emergency Observation Data for the 2024 Sea of Japan Earthquake

The 2024 Sea of Japan earthquake occurred on January 1, 2024, after 4:00 PM (Japan time), resulting in significant damage, including building collapses, landslides, and fires at various locations. In response to requests from domestic disaster prevention agencies, JAXA conducted emergency observations using ALOS-2 from the night of the disaster. The released data includes Level 2.1 (GeoTIFF) and archive data, facilitating interference analysis and change detection to contribute to disaster reduction and prevention. Notably, this publicly released data is intended for non-commercial purposes, including government and local authority use, as well as research by universities.

Dataset preprocessing

Additional metadata was added to the images in the collection. Field names such as system:time_start and system:time_end were added to make the collection filterable in Google Earth Engine. Custom code was written for ingest into Google Earth Engine and a no data value of 0 was used for masking.


Earth Engine Snippet

var notoPeninsula = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/disaster/japan-earthquake-2024_ALOS");

Sample Code:


This publicly released data is intended for non-commercial purposes, including government and local authority use, as well as research by universities.

Please note the terms of use:

  • CC-BY-NC-4.0
  • CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Provided by: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Year: 2024


For citation details, please refer to the above URL

Curated in GEE by Samapriya Roy and Keiko Nomura

Keywords: Emergency Data, ALOS, JAPAN, Earthquake

Last updated on: 2024-01-06

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