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Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) Version 2

The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) Version 2 provides a harmonized global database of lakes, rivers, and wetlands at 15 arc-second resolution. This dataset combines and harmonizes multiple ground and satellite-based data products to create a comprehensive map of inland water extents, types, and their intrinsic temporal dynamics.

GLWD v2 represents 18.2 million km² of wetlands (13.4% of global land area excluding Antarctica) classified into 33 types. The classification system differentiates between natural and non-natural lakes, rivers of multiple sizes, and various wetland types incorporating information on: - Seasonality (permanent vs. intermittent vs. ephemeral) - Inundation vs. saturation - Vegetation cover (forested vs. non-forested) - Salinity - Natural vs. non-natural origins - Landscape position and water source (riverine, lacustrine, palustrine, coastal/marine)


Lehner, B., Anand, M., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Tan, F., Aires, F., Allen, G.H., Bousquet, P., Canadell, J.G., Davidson, N., Finlayson, C.M., Gumbricht, T., Hilarides, L., Hugelius, G., Jackson, R.B., Korver, M.C.,
McIntyre, P.B., Matthews, E., Nagy, S., Olefeldt, D., Pavelsky, T., Pekel, J.-F., Poulter, B., Prigent, C., Wang, J., Worthington, T.A., Yamazaki, D., Thieme, M. (in preparation). Mapping the world’s inland waters: an
update to the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD v2).

Data Format and Limitations

The data is provided in both ESRI© Geodatabase and GeoTIFF formats at 15 arc-second resolution, covering an area from 180° West to 180° East and 56° South to 84° North (excluding Antarctica). The data uses the World Geodetic System 1984 (GCS_WGS_1984) coordinate system. The dataset has several known limitations:

  • Data sparsity in certain regions
  • Possible classification uncertainties in areas with complex wetland mosaics
  • Limited accuracy for areas with rapid land use change

Dataset Components

The GLWD v2 dataset in Google Earth Engine consists of several components:

Image Collections

  • DELTA_AREA_CLASS_PCT: An image collection containing individual images for each of the 33 wetland classes (plus dryland), showing the extent of each wetland class per pixel as a percentage of pixel area. Values range from 0-100%.

Individual Images

  • GLWD_V2_DELTA_AREA_HA_X10: Shows the absolute area of all wetland classes combined in hectares, multiplied by 10 for precision (i.e., a value of 15 means 1.5 ha). This layer is useful for quantifying total wetland extent.

  • GLWD_V2_DELTA_AREA_PCT: Represents the relative area of all wetland classes combined as a percentage of pixel area (0-100%). This layer helps visualize the density of wetland coverage.

  • GLWD_V2_DELTA_MAIN_CLASS: Identifies the dominant wetland class within each pixel using class IDs 1-33 (0 indicates inland pixels without any wetland coverage). In cases where multiple classes have equal coverage, the lower class ID is chosen.

  • GLWD_V2_DELTA_MAIN_CLASS_50PCT: Similar to MAIN_CLASS but only shows the dominant wetland class for pixels where total wetland extent exceeds 50%. Value 0 indicates inland pixels where dryland dominates.

  • GLWD_v2_delta_class_00_pct: Shows the percentage of each pixel that is classified as dryland (non-wetland). Values range from 0-100%.

Wetland Classes

The dataset uses band values from 0 to 33 to classify different types of wetlands and water bodies

Expand to show Band Value and Corresponding Class information

Band Value Class Name Description
0 Dryland Non-wetland areas
1 Freshwater lake Natural freshwater lakes
2 Saline lake Natural saline/salt lakes
3 Reservoir Artificial water bodies
4 Large river Major river channels
5 Large estuarine river River sections influenced by tides
6 Other permanent waterbody Permanent water features not in other categories
7 Small streams Minor waterways and tributaries
8 Lacustrine, forested Lake-associated forested wetlands
9 Lacustrine, non-forested Lake-associated non-forested wetlands
10 Riverine, regularly flooded, forested River-associated forested wetlands with regular flooding
11 Riverine, regularly flooded, non-forested River-associated non-forested wetlands with regular flooding
12 Riverine, seasonally flooded, forested River-associated forested wetlands with seasonal flooding
13 Riverine, seasonally flooded, non-forested River-associated non-forested wetlands with seasonal flooding
14 Riverine, seasonally saturated, forested River-associated forested wetlands with seasonal saturation
15 Riverine, seasonally saturated, non-forested River-associated non-forested wetlands with seasonal saturation
16 Palustrine, regularly flooded, forested Marsh-type forested wetlands with regular flooding
17 Palustrine, regularly flooded, non-forested Marsh-type non-forested wetlands with regular flooding
18 Palustrine, seasonally saturated, forested Marsh-type forested wetlands with seasonal saturation
19 Palustrine, seasonally saturated, non-forested Marsh-type non-forested wetlands with seasonal saturation
20 Ephemeral, forested Temporary forested wetlands
21 Ephemeral, non-forested Temporary non-forested wetlands
22 Arctic/boreal peatland, forested Northern forested peat wetlands
23 Arctic/boreal peatland, non-forested Northern non-forested peat wetlands
24 Temperate peatland, forested Mid-latitude forested peat wetlands
25 Temperate peatland, non-forested Mid-latitude non-forested peat wetlands
26 Tropical peatland, forested Tropical forested peat wetlands
27 Tropical peatland, non-forested Tropical non-forested peat wetlands
28 Mangrove Coastal mangrove forests
29 Saltmarsh Coastal salt marshes
30 Delta River delta wetland complexes
31 Other coastal wetland Other coastal wetland types
32 Salt pan, saline/brackish wetland Inland saline wetlands and salt flats
33 Paddy rice Agricultural wetlands used for rice cultivation


Earth Engine Snippet

// Area by class in hectares (x10)
var glwdAreaHa = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/GLWD_V2_DELTA_AREA_HA_X10');

// Area as percentage
var glwdAreaPct = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/GLWD_V2_DELTA_AREA_PCT');

// Dominant wetland class
var glwdMainClass = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/GLWD_V2_DELTA_MAIN_CLASS');

// Dominant wetland class (>50% coverage)
var glwdMainClass50 = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/GLWD_V2_DELTA_MAIN_CLASS_50PCT');

// Dryland percentage
var glwdDrylandPct = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/GLWD_v2_delta_class_00_pct');

// Area by class percentage (ImageCollection)
var glwdClassPct = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLWD/DELTA_AREA_CLASS_PCT');

Sample Classes:


GLWD v2 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The data is available for public download via hydrosheds

Keywords: wetlands, lakes, rivers, hydrology, water resources, ecosystem, conservation, global dataset

Created by: Lehner et al.

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Last updated: 2025-02-19

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