GLC_FCS30D Global 30-meter Land Cover Change Dataset (1985-2022)¶
The GLC_FCS30D dataset represents a pioneering advancement in global land-cover monitoring, offering comprehensive insights into land cover dynamics at a 30-meter resolution spanning the period from 1985 to 2022. Developed using continuous change detection methods and leveraging the extensive Landsat imagery archives within the Google Earth Engine platform, GLC_FCS30D comprises 35 land-cover subcategories with 26 time steps, updated every five years prior to 2000 and annually thereafter. Through a rigorous refinement process, including spatiotemporal classification and temporal-consistency optimization, the dataset achieves high-confidence accuracy, validated with over 84,000 global samples and achieving an overall accuracy of 80.88%. Notably, GLC_FCS30D elucidates significant trends, revealing forest and cropland variations as dominant drivers of global land cover change over the past 37 years, with a net loss of approximately 2.5 million km² of forests and a net gain of around 1.3 million km² in cropland area. With its diverse classification system, high spatial resolution, and extensive temporal coverage, GLC_FCS30D serves as a valuable resource for climate change research and sustainable development analysis. Access the dataset here.
Expand to show Land Cover classes, RGB values and hex codes
LC Id | Classification System | RGB value | Color |
10 | Rainfed cropland | (255,255,100) | |
11 | Herbaceous cover cropland | (255,255,100) | |
12 | Tree or shrub cover (Orchard) cropland | (255,255,0) | |
20 | Irrigated cropland | (170,240,240) | |
51 | Open evergreen broadleaved forest | (76,115,0) | |
52 | Closed evergreen broadleaved forest | (0,100,0) | |
61 | Open deciduous broadleaved forest (0.15<fc<0.4) | (170,200,0) | |
62 | Closed deciduous broadleaved forest (fc>0.4) | (0,160,0) | |
71 | Open evergreen needle-leaved forest (0.15< fc <0.4) | (0,80,0) | |
72 | Closed evergreen needle-leaved forest (fc >0.4) | (0,60,0) | |
81 | Open deciduous needle-leaved forest (0.15< fc <0.4) | (40,100,0) | |
82 | Closed deciduous needle-leaved forest (fc >0.4) | (40,80,0) | |
91 | Open mixed leaf forest (broadleaved and needle-leaved) | (160,180,50) | |
92 | Closed mixed leaf forest (broadleaved and needle-leaved) | (120,130,0) | |
120 | Shrubland | (150,100,0) | |
121 | Evergreen shrubland | (150,75,0) | |
122 | Deciduous shrubland | (150,100,0) | |
130 | Grassland | (255,180,50) | |
140 | Lichens and mosses | (255,220,210) | |
150 | Sparse vegetation (fc<0.15) | (255,235,175) | |
152 | Sparse shrubland (fc<0.15) | (255,210,120) | |
153 | Sparse herbaceous (fc<0.15) | (255,235,175) | |
181 | Swamp | (0,168,132) | |
182 | Marsh | (115,255,223) | |
183 | Flooded flat | (158,187,215) | |
184 | Saline | (130,130,130) | |
185 | Mangrove | (245,122,182) | |
186 | Salt marsh | (102,205,171) | |
187 | Tidal flat | (68,79,137) | |
190 | Impervious surfaces | (195,20,0) | |
200 | Bare areas | (255,245,215) | |
201 | Consolidated bare areas | (220,220,220) | |
202 | Unconsolidated bare areas | (255,245,215) | |
210 | Water body | (0,70,200) | |
220 | Permanent ice and snow | (255,255,255) | |
0, 250 | Filled value | (255,255,255) |
Dataset postprocessing¶
The datasets consist of about 961 tiles with the annual layers consisting of about 23 years worth of imagery with each band representing a year from 2000 and the 5 year ones start from 1985 with 3 band representing a gap of 5 year so 1985-1990 is b1, 1990-1995 is b2 and 1990-2000 is b3.
Zhang, X., Zhao, T., Xu, H., Liu, W., Wang, J., Chen, X., and Liu, L.: GLC_FCS30D: the first global 30 m land-cover dynamics monitoring product with a fine classification system for the period from 1985 to 2022 generated using dense-time-series Landsat imagery and the continuous change-detection method, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 1353–1381,, 2024.
Dataset Citation¶
Liangyun Liu, Xiao Zhang, & Tingting Zhao. (2023). GLC_FCS30D: the first global 30-m land-cover dynamic monitoring product with fine classification
system from 1985 to 2022 [Data set]. Zenodo.
Earth Engine Snippet¶
var annual = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLC-FCS30D/annual");
var five_year = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLC-FCS30D/five-years-map");
This work is licensed under and freely available to the public under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Created by: Zhang et al. 2023
Curated in GEE by : Samapriya Roy
Keywords: GLC_FCS30D, 1985-2022, Land-cover change, Landsat, change detection, Google Earth Engine
Last updated in GEE: 2024-02-20
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