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Global database of cement production assets and upstream suppliers

The Global Cement Production Dynamics dataset provides a comprehensive asset-level view of the cement industry, addressing the growing climate and sustainability concerns faced by cement producers and investors. It integrates greenhouse gas emissions disclosure, sourcing patterns of raw materials, and the age of production plants as key variables. Leveraging innovative techniques, including geospatial computer vision and Large Language Modelling, the dataset offers a holistic understanding of global cement production dynamics. It serves various applications, such as environmental impact assessment, investment decision-making, industry research, and policy development, contributing to more informed and responsible decision-making within the sector.

The dataset contains spatial information for 3,117 cement production assets, offering near-approximate location data within a 10-kilometer radius. This data, available for download in Excel format from the Dryad Repository, includes precise coordinates (WGS84), city, state, country, ISO codes, sub-region, and region, obtained through reverse geocoding. Plant-specific details encompass plant type (integrated or grinding), production process (wet or dry), capacity, and the year of production commencement, with corresponding sources for capacity data. Ownership information is also comprehensive, encompassing direct or subsidiary owner names, ultimate parent details, PermID where available, Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), holding status (public or private), ticker, and exchange for ultimate parents. In cases of joint ventures, information for both ultimate parents is provided, alongside source links for ownership data. You can read the paper here.

Dataset structure

The datasets were renamed to end with the date of dataset upload to Dryad Repository and the primary layer consisting of the assets database includes the following fields. You can expand this section to get all field names or use the example code

Expand to show field names and description for primary asset database

Field Description
uid Unique identifier for the cement plant
city City in which the plant is located
state State or province in which the plant is located
country Country in which the plant is located
iso3 Three-letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha 3
country_code Three-digit country code defined in ISO 3166-1 numeric
region Region in which the plant is located
sub_region Subregion in which the plant is located
latitude Latitude for the geolocation of the plant (based on WGS84)
longitude Longitude for the geolocation of the plant (based on WGS84)
accuracy The accuracy of the latitude and longitude
status Current plant operating status
plant_type The type of cement plant (Integrated or Grinding)
production_type The production process used to produce the clinker at Integrated plants (Wet or Dry)
confdnc Accuracy of production capacity (in cases where numerous values are reported)
capacity Total cement production capacity (millions of tons)
capacity_source Source used to obtain the capacity estimate (news media, company website, or company disclosure reports)
year Year the plant started production
owner_permid PermID of the primary owner of the plant*
owner_name Name of the primary owner of the plant
owner_source Source reporting the ownership link between the plant and owner
parent_permid PermID of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant*
parent_name Name of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant
ownership_stake The percentage ownership attributed to the parent company if the plant is a joint venture. If the plant is majority owned by a single parent company, then this column will be blank ('n/a')
parent_lei Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant
parent_holding_status The holding status of the ultimate parent (Private or Public)
parent_ticker The primary ticker for the ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded
parent_exchange The primary exchange for the ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded
parent_permid_2 PermID of the 2nd ultimate parent of the owner of the plant*
parent_name_2 Name of the 2nd ultimate parent of the owner of the plant
ownership_stake_2 The percentage ownership attributed to the 2nd parent company if the plant is a joint venture
parent_lei_2 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the 2nd ultimate parent
parent_holding_status_2 The holding status of the 2nd ultimate parent (Private or Public)
parent_ticker_2 The primary ticker for the 2nd ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded
parent_exchange_2 The primary exchange for the 2nd ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded
sourcing Locally sourced, imported, or hybrid supply of input production materials
raw_mtrl Typology of raw input materials (limestone, clay, gypsum, sand, coal)
clinker Whether clinker was used as an input material

The second dataset provides facility and supplier information

Expand to show field names and description for facility and supplier information

Field Description
uid Unique identifier for the cement plant Country in which the plant is located Country in which facility-supplier (mine) is located
supplier.latitude Latitude for the geolocation of the facility-supplier (based on WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
supplier.longitude Longitude for the geolocation of the facility-supplier (based on WGS84 (EPSG:4326))


Tkachenko, N., Tang, K., McCarten, M. et al. Global database of cement production assets and upstream suppliers. Sci Data 10, 696 (2023).

Dataset citation

Tkachenko, Nataliya et al. (2023). Global database of cement production assets and upstream suppliers [Dataset]. Dryad.


Earth Engine Snippet

var assets_db = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SFI/global_cement_db_assets_20231004");
var suppliers_producers_db = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SFI/global_cement_db_suppliers_20231004");

Sample code:


This work is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication license

Data download page: Dryad data download page

Provided by: Tkachenko, N., Tang, K., McCarten, M. et al

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: : Computer vision, Remote sensing, Computer and information sciences, asset-level data, Decarbonisation, LLMs, spatial finance, supply chains, sustainable finance, cement

Last updated: 2023-10-18

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