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Global Electric Consumption revised GDP

In this study, we employed a series of methods, such as a particle swarm optimization-back propagation (PSO-BP) algorithm, to unify the scales of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS images and obtain continuous 1 km × 1 km gridded nighttime light data during 1992–2019. Subsequently, from a revised real growth perspective, we employed a top-down method to calculate global 1 km × 1 km gridded revised real GDP and electricity consumption during 1992–2019 based on our calibrated nighttime light data.

Gridded population and nighttime light data are the most popular proxy tools, and have been adopted extensively because of their strong correlation with economic output and electricity use. Finally the authors note that although nighttime light data as a single indicator may ignore factors such as value added or reduced by forestry or desertification, it is still an effective proxy for calibrating economic growth.You can read the paper here

Disclaimer: Whole or parts of the dataset description were provided by the author(s) or their works.

Paper Citation

Chen, J., Gao, M., Cheng, S., Hou, W., Song, M., Liu, X., & Liu, Y. (2022). Global 1 km× 1 km gridded revised real gross domestic product and
electricity consumption during 1992–2019 based on calibrated nighttime light data. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-14.

Data Citation

Chen, Jiandong; Gao, Ming (2021): Global 1 km × 1 km gridded revised real gross domestic product and electricity consumption during 1992-2019 based
on calibrated nighttime light data. figshare. Dataset.

Dataset units

  • GDP: Millions of 2017 US dollars
  • Electricity consumption: Kilowatt hours


Earth Engine Snippet: GRIDDED Electricity Consumption

var global_ec = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GRIDDED_EC");

Sample code:


Earth Engine Snippet: GRIDDED GDP based on Electricity Consumption

var global_elc_gdp = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GRIDDED_EC-GDP");

Sample code:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: GDP, Electricity Consumption, Night Lights

Last updated: 2022-09-27

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