Continental-scale land cover mapping at 10 m resolution over Europe¶
A land cover classification for Europe at 10 m resolution produced with a machine learning workflow driven by Sentinel optical and radar satellite imagery. The classification model was trained on land cover reference data form the LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey) dataset. The map represents conditions in 2018. You can read the preprint here
The pixel values, their definitions and suggested hex color codes include: 0 (not mapped #000000), 1 (Artificial land, #CC0303), 2 (Cropland, #CDB400), 3 (Woodland, #235123), 4 (Shrubland, #B76124), 5 (Grassland, #92AF1F), 6 (Bare land, #F7E174), 7 (Water/permanent snow/ice, #2019A4), 8 (Wetland, #AEC3D6).
Venter, Zander S., and Markus AK Sydenham. "Continental-scale land cover mapping at 10 m resolution
over Europe (ELC10)." arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.10922 (2021).
Earth Engine Snippet¶
Category | Land Cover Class | Hex Code |
1 | Artificial land | #CC0303 |
2 | Cropland | #CDB400 |
3 | Woodland | #235123 |
4 | Shrubland | #B76124 |
5 | Grassland | #92AF1F |
6 | Bare land | #F7E174 |
7 | Water/permanent snow/ice | #2019A4 |
8 | Wetland | #AEC3D6 |
Dataset Citation¶
Venter, Zander S., & Sydenham, Markus A.K. (2020). ELC10: European 10 m resolution land cover map 2018
(Version 01) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
Created by: Venter, Zander S., & Sydenham, Markus A.K.
Curated by: Samapriya Roy
Keywords: : land use, europe, land cover, remote sensing, copernicus, sentinel, satellite
Last updated: 2021-04-29