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Carbon Mapper Data Portal Methane Emissions


This dataset is currently only available to those in the insiders program

The Carbon Mapper data portal focused on collecting individual high emission methane point sources. The Carbon mapper portal provides methane plume imagery with emission rates and uncertainties from strong point sources as observed from NASA’s next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG) and ASU’s Global Airborne Observatory (GAO) airborne platforms.

As per the portal, these systems have near-identical capabilities and serve as prototypes for future sustained global monitoring. The plume concentration maps are available at spatial resolutions ranging from 3 to 8 meters (depending on aircraft altitude), allowing for precise attribution to individual emission sources.The API end point was used to query the overall area over North America yielding 8327 total sites.

You can use the download button too to download the curated zipped plume and geotiff data if you are inclined to use those. You can read their FAQ here

Disclaimer: Whole or parts of the dataset description were provided by the author(s) or their works.


As per the portal the following papers were used to generate the portal and the user should use the appropriate ones as deemed fit

Multi-basin analysis: San Joaquin, Permian, Uinta, Denver-Julesburg, Marcellus (Data from 2020-2021)

Cusworth, D. H., Thorpe, A. K., Ayasse, A. K., Stepp, D., Heckler, J., Asner, G. P., Miller, C. E., Chapman, J. W., Eastwood, M. L., Green, R. O.,
Hmiel, B., Lyon, D., & Duren, R. M. (2022). Strong methane point sources contribute a disproportionate fraction of total emissions across multiple
basins in the U.S. PNAS.

Gulf of Mexico offshore platforms (Data from 2021)
Ayasse, A. K., Thorpe, A. K., Cusworth, D. H., Kort, E. A., Negron, A. G., Heckler, J., Asner, G., & Duren, R. M. (2022). Methane remote sensing and
emission quantification of offshore shallow water oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Research Letters, 17(8), 084039.

Permian point-source data (Data from 2019)
Cusworth, D. H., Duren, R. M., Thorpe, A. K., Olson-Duvall, W., Heckler, J., Chapman, J. W., Eastwood, M. L., Helmlinger, M. C., Green, R. O.,
Asner, G. P., Dennison, P. E., & Miller, C. E. (2021). Intermittency of large methane emitters in the Permian Basin. Environmental Science &
Technology Letters, 8(7), 567–573.

California methane point-source data (Data from 2016-2017)
Duren, R. M., Thorpe, A. K., Foster, K. T., Rafiq, T., Hopkins, F. M., Yadav, V., Bue, B. D., Thompson, D. R., Conley, S., Colombi, N. K.,
Frankenberg, C., McCubbin, I. B., Eastwood, M. L., Falk, M., Herner, J. D., Croes, B. E., Green, R. O., & Miller, C. E. (2019). California’s methane
super-emitters. Nature, 575(7781), 180–184.

Duren, R., Thorpe, A., & McCubbin, I. (2020). The California Methane Survey Final Report, CEC-500-2020-047.

Data preprocessing

Based on the Plume extracts that were also available from the data portal certain assumptions and metadata fields were renamed. The campaign-id field was used a plume-id field for all of these observation. While there is a separate plume-id field in the original metadata it seems to be missing for some observations and as such the use of campaign id. This was also to keep alignment with the way in which the plume extracts were created by the data portal itself. Flux rate and Flux uncertainity were also renamed to emission and emission uncertainity.

The plume geotiffs were provided as RGB for rendering to a fixed hex code and color palette, so the metadata was attached to each of these raster geotiff in the collection. The portal also provided the RGB underlying imagery and that too was ingested in a separate collection with the same metadata for easy join. Finally the results were exported into a table, all downloaded for S3 URLs were automated using a custom script I wrote and included in the metadata.


Earth Engine Snippet

var plume_geotiffs = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/carbon-mapper/plume_geo");
var rgb_geotiffs = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/carbon-mapper/rgb_geo");
var plume_features = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/carbon-mapper/plume_feature");

Sample Script:


Carbon Mapper data is provided for non-commercial purposes subject to the Modified Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License ("CC License"). All third-party use of the data is subject to the CC license at all times. The license details includes terms for Non commercial use and share alike clauses and you can read through the modified terms.

Provided by: Carbon Mapper, Inc.

Curated in GEE by : Samapriya Roy

keywords: Methane Emissions, AVIRIS-NG, Global Airborne Observatory, Plume Emissions , Carbon Mapper Data Portal

Last updated on GEE: 2023-04-16

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