Stay updated & contribute¶
The Awesome GEE Community Catalog is created and maintained by Samapriya Roy with data, examples, tutorial contributions from our community. This is a community common meaning it needs involvement to survive as a grassroots open source project. Here are some ways in which you can get involved with this project and check out examples on how you can bring data, examples, bug reports and pull requests to the catalog here. Open up a Github discussion and create a pull request if you notice any issues so I can fix them. Sign Up for Updates: Never miss the latest catalog additions and in-depth explorations by subscribing to catalog updates through out datacommons blog.
Choose your adventure¶
Browse & Star the Catalog
Visit the website and star the Github Repo so it's easily discovered & you get updates.
Integrate into Your Projects
Build with the datasets in your GEE projects, use example code and cite the project
Enrich the Community Catalog
Bring datasets of value to the community catalog. Share it with the community by contributing new datasets
Submit a tutorial or Example
Create and share examples demonstrating how you've leveraged the catalog's data in your projects.
Support the Project & Donate
We are an unfunded project so community donors and sponors make a world of difference to the project.
Collaborate with Pull requests
Creating a new pull request means you fixed something that I missed & I and the community apppreciate it.