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Community Actions (Building the Catalog)

The Awesome GEE Community Catalog is an actively maintained and evolving project that serves a diverse user base with versatile backgrounds and needs. To efficiently address the requirements of all our users, evaluate change requests, and fix bugs, update datasets, I put in a lot of work and your contributions are helpful.The catalog is a collaborative effort, and I welcome your contributions! This catalog aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date list of community-driven datasets readily accessible within Google Earth Engine (GEE).

The Awesome GEE Community Catalog thrives on community contributions! Whether you've found a valuable dataset, spotted an error, or have a helpful tip to share, there are many ways to get involved. By contributing, you're not only helping us build a valuable resource for the GEE community, but you're also making it easier for others to find and utilize valuable Earth observation data.

How you can contribute

I know your time is valuable. That's why I've streamlined contributing to the Awesome GEE Community Catalog!

  • Clear Guides and Templates: I offer clear instructions and templates for reporting bugs, requesting changes, and participating in discussions. This saves you time by making sure your contributions are well-organized and easy for me to understand.
  • Focus on Finding, Not Formatting: I've designed the issue tracker and discussion board for easy navigation and search. This means you can spend less time formatting your contributions and more time focusing on the valuable information you're sharing.
  • Faster Support: By following my guidelines, you help me process your contributions quickly and efficiently. This means you get the help or support you need faster.

Ready to get started? Let's dive into the specific ways you can contribute!

Creating an issue

  •   Bring or Add data to the Community Catalog

    Submit or bring your data request to community catalog

    Contribute data

  •   Notice an outdated dataset? Submit an update request

    Submit update request for dataset in community catalog

    Submit an update

  •   Notice a Bug? Submit a Bug report for review

    Bug report for dataset in community catalog

    Submit a bug report

  •   Have a Tutorial you want to Contribute? Submit one

    Submit tutorials for datasets in community catalog

    Submit a tutorial

  •   Have a question or need help?

    Ask a question on our discussion board and get in touch with our community

    Ask a question


  •   Support the Project & Donate

    We are an unfunded project so community donors and sponors make a world of difference to the project.

    Support & Donate

  •   Want to create a pull request?

    Learn how to create a comprehensive and useful pull request (PR)

    Create a pull request